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The curse of ASAP

When someone tells you a task needs to be done ASAP, how do you feel? Pressured right? This is a task of such priority it needs to be completed as soon as humanly possible. Which…

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What are your posteriorities?

We all know the advice to focus on our priorities. Get the hardest thing done first. But what about the opposite – posteriorities? These are the things you should de-prioritize, focus on the least. Recognizing…

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14 years at LEWIS PR

Today I celebrate my fourteenth anniversary at my agency, LEWIS PR. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone I've worked with (clients, partners and colleagues) during that time. It's been fun.

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You’re making me sad

"You're making me sad," my son said accusingly last night as I refused him a cookie before dinnertime. With a three-year-old, it's easy to see that I had no intent to upset him, nor could…

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Five ways to fail a job interview

I’ve interviewed hundreds of job candidates. Going into an interview, I want the interviewee to get the job, to be ‘the one’. But the law of averages says that’s unlikely. Most candidates make the same…

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Do the things you hate

We hear a lot about following your passion. Doing what you love. And why would you do anything else if you want a satisfying and successful life? At the career-level this is good advice. But…