Articles by Morgan McLintic

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SF Chronicle on Web 2.0

So, what’s next? Why, Web 2.0, naturally: A quick pointer to a San Francisco Chronicle article which runs down a broad definition of Web 2.0 and highlights a few companies in the space. Not sure…

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Another Euro PR blog

Blimey, not sure what’s going on but here’s another European PR blog, this time by media matador, Jorge Lopez, who runs our Spanish office. Actually, it looks like this isn’t a new blog by Jorge,…

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New European tech PR blog

My friend and colleague, Andres Wittermann has launched a blog about the European media and PR industry. I’ve had the chance to work with Andres since ’97. As a former journalist he has a great…

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PRSourceCode ranks top tech agencies

PRSourceCode, a content services provider for journalists and PR firms, has just released the findings of its first survey of reporters about tech PR firms. It surveyed 1,000 US-based IT journalists about overall performance, responsiveness,…

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Taking a bite of the Big Apple

Holmes Report: We’ve just launched a new office in New York. It’s been in the works for some time, but now we’re up and running with a great clutch of new clients, including IGA Partners…