Articles by Morgan McLintic

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Don’t forget the human factor!

The AlwaysOn team have kindly transcribed my interview with David Kelley, CEO and founder of IDEO, during his keynote at the AO:2005 Innovation Summit [free subscription required]. Thanks guys. Technorati Tags: AlwaysOn

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Katrina dominates blogosphere

More than 5.5% of all blog posts are about Hurricane Katrina, according to Intelliseek’s Blogpulse tool. It’s clear that many of those posts also discuss President Bush, as can be seen in the sharp uptick…

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World press dismay about Katrina response

BBC Monitoring has pulled together sample media quotes about the Bush administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina from sixteen different publications around the world. I’m sure the editor’s selection is designed to show themes of a…

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Katrina Aid

For those looking to donate to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, I’ve placed a banner for the Red Cross on the right, which links directly to their site. As the full extent of the tragedy…

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Blocking press releases during malware outbreak

Here’s an amusing post by Andrew Conry-Murray on the IT Architect blog (formerly Network Magazine) bemoaning the wave of crowing press releases which follow most virus outbreaks. “A new product is available to block press…

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This is a great parody site for a marketing consultancy. I know the authors are making money from the Google ads but they deserve it. Hilarious. “We have really smart people who are always thinking…

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Typepad enables Podcasting

Typepad, the hosted blogging service, has enabled its users to start podcasting. The platform will now recognize multimedia files (such as MP3, AVI even QuickTime formats) which are uploaded and distribute them via a dedicated…

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Unleashing Tiger

While on the subject of Apple, I finally installed Apple’s new OS, Tiger yesterday which includes a powerful new search function, called Spotlight, and its much-vaunted Dashboard with Widgets. Widgets are small applications, such as…