Articles by Morgan McLIntic

Has Apple lost its shine?

Following the launch of the iPhone 5 where the rumors were true, have we entered an era where Apple can no longer ‘wow’ us with its press events?

Is measuring time productive?

The end of time

We’re obsessed with time in our working lives. We trade our most productive hours for salary and benefits. We agree office hours, vacation time and PTO. But time is just an input. It’s not a deliverable. Are we measuring the right thing?

Why ethics suffer in a recession

Truth may be a casualty of war, but ethics are a casualty of recession. When the going gets tough, the weak cheat. It’s just easier than competing fairly. It’s an economic barometer, and we’re seeing and uptick right now.

Broken chain

The power of routines

After six months (count them) of silence, I’m back publishing here. I hope you’ll forgive the lack of communications and content. I’d like to say it was a deliberate plan to recharge the blogging batteries after seven years, but the truth is simpler. I became over-committed and something had to give

9 reasons it feels good to be powerless

The mantle of being powerless is comfortable. But you shouldn’t put it on because it makes you invisible. You risk nothing, learn nothing, achieve nothing, and don’t progress. Here’s why.