Agency life

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Long time, no post

Sorry to drop off the radar. Afraid a combination of client work, industry events, and moving house rather soaked up every spare moment. The campaigns and event calendar continue, but I’m finally moved in to…

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Edelman buys A&R Partners

Rumors have been flying round this afternoon about Edelman buying respected independent Valley firm, A&R Partners. PRWEEK confirms the story here [sub required] although there’s still nothing on either firm’s sites. I have enormous respect…

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Monday poll: Does teleworking work in PR?

There are many advantages to teleworking such as reduced commuting time, fewer distractions, a comfortable work environment and low accommodation costs. Since you don’t need specialized equipment for PR (basically a phone and a PC…

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Why staff churn can be a good thing

Staff churn at an agency has a bad reputation. Prospects often ask about a firm’s churn rate when making their selection. Rightly so, since they don’t want to re-educate their team – consistency is important….