Relocating to new offices
We’re relocating our offices in San Francisco to bigger, custom-built premises in January. We’ll still be downtown in the thick of the action, but need larger offices to provide room for future expansion, and to…
We’re relocating our offices in San Francisco to bigger, custom-built premises in January. We’ll still be downtown in the thick of the action, but need larger offices to provide room for future expansion, and to…
Huntsworth Incepta* agency, The Red Consultancy is opening new offices in San Francisco to add to its London and New York offices. While I was in the UK, Red was one of the hot shops…
The webcast of this week’s blogging seminar in London is now up and available here. You can also download the presentations from the site. Mine is here, Loic’s here, and Jo’s here. If you couldn’t…
Analyst Insight blogger, David Rossiter, who also runs a tech PR firm in the UK, has launched a PR blog named, PR Insights. I’m looking forward to reading his perspectives, since I find his views…
So an hour into my ten hour flight, the entertainment system failed, which has taught me a couple more traveling lessons. The first is to always fully charge your laptop and all electronic devices such…
I’m sitting on the plane returning to San Francisco – a 10 hour trip. A flight attendant sat facing opposite me in the bulkhead during take-off, so I asked him for some travel tips. Absolute…
I’ve posted some more shots taken by our photographer Liz Carrington, onto Flickr here. Thanks Liz. More on Loic’s Moblog here. Technorati Tags: BBC Online, LEWIS, Six Apart
We’ve just wrapped up our breakfast seminar on blogging, held in the LEWIS Media Centre in London. About 80 marketers, CEOs, PR consultants and reporters gathered to hear presentations from Loic le Meur, EVP of…
My agency, LEWIS, is hosting a breakfast seminar about blogging on Tuesday October 11, 2005 in London. It’s aimed as an introduction for corporate communicators and marketers to the medium. I’m privileged to be chairing…
Back in San Fran after a whistlestop tour to the UK. From those I spoke to the mood in the UK seems positive from an agency perspective with lots of companies looking for agencies and…