Agency life

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If all else fails, low-ball it

In a recession competition increases. There are more agencies chasing fewer client accounts. This is generally a good thing. Clients might see one or two more firms, agencies might work harder, and hopefully the right…

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The time of your life

You may not realize it, but this is the time of your life. Deep in the depths of the darkest recession I hope we will all face in our lifetimes, you will discover your true…

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The big O – organized

But it’s important to wage war on that stuff – the piles of mags you haven’t read, the freebie crapola you were given at a show, all those conference passes, that folder of reference information, and… the filing. … But it is important to acknowledge that ‘being organized’ doesn’t stop at having an updated To Do list, or even a tidy desk – it needs to extend to other aspects of your life to produce a sense of control and calm.

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CEO as PR firm?

Jason Calacanis has posted some helpful tips for CEOs of startups about how to maximize PR. Oddly he feels these negate the need for a PR firm. Most of them involve dedicated networking, building personal…

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Timesheets – bane or boon?

No-one particularly likes filling in timesheets – why would you? But whatever their model, fundamentally agencies are selling the time of their teams. They may package it in different ways commercially but being consultancies, time…

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Blog stress

Just wanted to reassure all those of you who have read today’s New York Times piece, that my prolific blogging is in no way impacting my health. Running a PR firm’s a killer though. Technorati…

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Ten ways to reduce stress

PR is inherently stressful. It’s highly task- and deadline-oriented, fast-paced, collaborative and rapidly-evolving. Any situation where a group of people need to cooperate with several other groups around detailed information within tight deadlines is a…

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The fiction of work/life balance

I’m not sure who first coined the phrase ‘work/life balance’ but it’s an unhelpful misnomer. Work is an integral part of your life. If you don’t see your work that way, you should find a…

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How to manage email

Email has increasingly become the workhorse technology of PR. It makes a good servant but a poor master. Once you start to get above a certain level, which for me is about 200-250, productivity suffers….