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Third Thursday

A quick thank you to Mike Manuel, Jeremy Pepper and Giovanni Rodriguez for organizing last night’s Third Thursday PR meet-up. Special guest Mike Arrington of TechCrunch braved an audience of 60 PRs and gave us…

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How many blogs really matter?

Dale Wolf, author of Context Rules Marketing, highlights some interesting subscription statistics from RSS aggregator, Bloglines: According to Jim Lanzone, Senior Vice President of Search Properties at Ask Jeeves, there are 36,000 blogs that “really…

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Typepad launches blog widgets

According to TechCrunch, Typepad is launching new blog widgets, which enable bloggers to add features such as search engines, music lists and feed directories, to the sidebar of their blogs more easily. SixApart, which runs…

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Don’t just get it – give it

How many times have you heard complaints that someone just doesn’t ‘get it’? He doesn’t ‘get blogging’. She doesn’t ‘get the culture’. He doesn’t ‘get this account’. They don’t ‘get where the PR industry is…