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More travel tips

So an hour into my ten hour flight, the entertainment system failed, which has taught me a couple more traveling lessons. The first is to always fully charge your laptop and all electronic devices such…

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Tips on travel

I’m sitting on the plane returning to San Francisco – a 10 hour trip. A flight attendant sat facing opposite me in the bulkhead during take-off, so I asked him for some travel tips. Absolute…

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I’m off to London for a series of meetings and to renew some old acquaintances. I’ll see if I can find out some new trends in PR and media from a UK perspective while there….

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Entrepreneurs Foundation

I’ve started to help out in the marketing communications council for the Entrepreneurs Foundation, which promotes involvement by Bay Area companies in community programs. Participating companies donate a small amount of their equity to the…

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Are your manners business class?

While browsing through the bookstore this weekend, I came across Jacqueline Whitmore’s ‘Business Class – etiquette essentials for success at work.’ At 192 pages it’s an easily-digestible, whistle-stop tour of business manners. Most of us,…

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Don’t forget the human factor!

The AlwaysOn team have kindly transcribed my interview with David Kelley, CEO and founder of IDEO, during his keynote at the AO:2005 Innovation Summit [free subscription required]. Thanks guys. Technorati Tags: AlwaysOn

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Katrina Aid

For those looking to donate to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, I’ve placed a banner for the Red Cross on the right, which links directly to their site. As the full extent of the tragedy…