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Channel hopping

We got a glimpse of how television could be last night. Detective series, CSI: NY broadcast an edition where the criminal was tracked in 3D virtual world, Second Life. About 30% of the program was…

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The Technical Transition

Just a quick pointer to an article I wrote for the International Public Relations Association about the increasingly technical nature of public relations. It seems to me that increasingly your ability to execute as a…

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Starry Night

Alex Yenni just sent me this machinima video shot in Second Life. Awesome. Technorati Tags: machinima, Second Life

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Save Business 2.0 – Tips to improve

The effort you put into your small business is important. But you still need to concern yourself with the results. “If you want to improve the results your small business gets, you have to focus…

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PRSA T3 Conference in NYC

I’m moderating a panel about PR and virtual worlds this afternoon in New York at the PRSA’s T3 Conference. I’ll be joined by Giff Constable, general manager of The Electric Sheep Company and Adam Pasick,…