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Bambi on thin ice

Like me, you may have missed the story about Bambi Francisco, of Marketwatch, resigning Friday over a conflict of interest with her new startup, I’ll admit to wondering why Bambi occasionally asked for video…

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Reality Twittervision

Check out Twittervision for a mashup of Twitter with geolocation data. It gives you a world map with each ‘tweet’ popping up in realtime. It’s reality TV, web 2.0-style. Massively trivial and disjointed but also…

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Yet one more twit

I’ve been resisting Twitter since I’m evidently already struggling to maintain my current channels of communication via email, IM, SL, VoIP, blog, RSS, phone, face to face(!). But today email went down which left me…

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Guide to corporate blogging

My colleague, Mark van der Wolf has put together a 20-page guide to corporate blogging, called the Business Value of Blogging, which he presented at the recent EuroBlog 2007 event last week. You can download…

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The State of the Blogosphere

Dave Sifry, CEO of Technorati, brings us up to date with the numbers to October 2006. T’rati is tracking 57m blogs now, even after removing a ton of splogs. He even goes so far as…

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Firefox 2 with spell checker

Now out as of 5.00pm PT – get it here. Just downloading it now. Apart from the speed and anti-phishing advances, I think the spell checker will be particularly useful. I could never get the…