
Love and fear in confusion

Sometimes we confuse fear with love. Even more bizarrely, if we’re frightened, we might unwittingly interpret that as being attracted to someone nearby. This could be awkward – but why does it happen? And what does it mean for your next hot date?


How to control your emotions

Unless you are a robot, you might not have full control over your emotions at all times. However with some practice and by building emotional awareness, we can learn to select the right emotion for each situation.

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How not to cope with failure

‘A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in the experience.’ – Elbert Hubbard

We’ve all heard about the lessons you learn from failures. Most of us have failed, some of us on numerous occasions. The problem is not whether we fail or not. It’s our coping strategy for failure. And some of us fail at that too. Here’s how:

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You’re making me sad

"You're making me sad," my son said accusingly last night as I refused him a cookie before dinnertime. With a three-year-old, it's easy to see that I had no intent to upset him, nor could…