Morgan McLintic

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14 years at LEWIS PR

Today I celebrate my fourteenth anniversary at my agency, LEWIS PR. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone I've worked with (clients, partners and colleagues) during that time. It's been fun.

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At LEWIS PR for 13 years

Today I celebrate thirteen full years at my agency, LEWIS PR. No joke. When I joined there were ten people. Three of those are still with the firm (Chris Lewis, Ilona Hitel and Andy Oliver,…

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You can now find all my updates to Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, and PodBean on my Tumblelog – Morganutiae. If you’re unfamiliar with Tumblr it takes feeds from a number of social media sites…

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The Technical Transition

Just a quick pointer to an article I wrote for the International Public Relations Association about the increasingly technical nature of public relations. It seems to me that increasingly your ability to execute as a…

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Eleven years at LEWIS

Just realized that I’ve been with my agency, LEWIS PR, for 11 years. I joined on April Fool’s Day in 1996. Wow, that’s quite a good stint in agency land. I still find it odd…