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How to: Get a job in PR

Here are a few guidelines to getting an entry-level job in PR. It’s easier to break into the industry in some countries compared to others due to employment laws, but these points should get you…

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LEWIS PR is hiring

Yeah, I know – who isn’t? But I thought you might know someone who is looking for a change. If not – no problems, just thought I’d ask. I’m looking for account staff in San…

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Of sunglasses and service

I’m in Viet Nam, by the pool. The barman is doing the usual rounds, plying bronzed bathers with gaudy cocktails. Could be any pool in any country. Another attendant circles the pool, but he’s not…

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Why agencies fire clients

Todd Defren is letting the cat out of the bag about why agencies fire unprofitable or unpopular clients. Some campaigns are just not profitable since expectations and demands exceed the time and budget available to…

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New European tech PR blog

My friend and colleague, Andres Wittermann has launched a blog about the European media and PR industry. I’ve had the chance to work with Andres since ’97. As a former journalist he has a great…

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PRSourceCode ranks top tech agencies

PRSourceCode, a content services provider for journalists and PR firms, has just released the findings of its first survey of reporters about tech PR firms. It surveyed 1,000 US-based IT journalists about overall performance, responsiveness,…